c. 1925 Heider 15-27 Tractor

 This tractor (serial #8966) was made at the Rock Island Plow Company's factory in Carroll, Iowa. Although based in Rock Island, Illinois, the company continued to manufacture the Heider line of tractors after acquiring the Heider factory in 1916. Succeeding the Model C 12-20, the 15-27 was built with a Waukesha motor and a friction transmissions that allowed for seven forward and seven reverse speeds.
 The Heider 15-27's Nebraska Tractor Test was #114, performed from May 7th to May 13th, 1925. You can view the results for this test as a pdf by clicking or touching here. Stuhr Museum's Heider 15-27 was reportedly used to pull four plows.

 As you look at Stuhr's Heider, you might notice that the front of this tractor's radiator has the name, Chicago Manufacturing Company on it. The Chicago Manufacturing Company made radiators, hoods, fenders, and tanks for automobiles and tractors. Although there is little information on the company and its products, you can view a patent for an automobile radiator issued to Edward Radloff and Henry H. Stokes, assignors to the Chicago Manufacturing Company, as a pdf here.

From Power Wagon Reference
Book 1920
, ed. Stanley A. Phillips
(Chicago: The Power Wagon
Publishing  Company, 1920), p. 844.

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